+254 (0) 795349624

Our Work and Commitment

Mama Agnes Ochilo Foundation advocates for total upliftment of many deprived persons in Migori County through partnerships with various organizations, donors and well wishers. The foundation organizes different campaigns which are tailored towards solving particular life challenges within its scope in Migori County.


Child and Maternal Health Care

Every child has the right to survive and thrive, whilst no pregnant woman should die while giving birth. The Foundation partners with other Organizations to reduce Child and Maternal Deaths, Teenage Pregnancies, Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections, Reproductive Health, Neglected Tropical Diseases, Non Communicable Diseases etc. The Foundation has special interest in the Fight against both breast and cervical Cancers.

Mama Agnes Ochilo Foundation and the Maternal and Child Health care

Sickle cell disease is the most common hemoglobinopathy encountered in Kenya. In the western part of the country, about 4.5% of children are born with SCD, and 18% of children are born with sickle cell trait. SCD has contributed significantly to the mortality rate in children younger than age 5 years, primarily because of late diagnosis, educational gaps among service providers, and lack of access to appropriate treatment.

Mama Agnes Ochilo Foundation in partnership with German Doctors and Sickle cell Foundation has successfully established and equipped a modern sickle cell clinic at Rongo Sub County Hospital. This Sickle cell clinic implements newborn screening programs to identify infants born with SCD. Early diagnosis allows for immediate intervention and treatment. The following have also been achieved; Training of clinicians and other health care providers in managing patients with SCD. Improved access to treatment for people living with SCD and creation of partnerships with stakeholders involved in caring for people living with SCD.

Housing the Less Fortunate

The Foundation builds houses to the Neglected Poor, Disabled, Elderly Persons, Widows, Orphans & Vulnerable Children.

Environmental Conservation

The Foundation advocates for Environmental Conservation and Plant Trees using various strategies in order to curb the harsh impact of Global Warming.

Mama Agnes Ochilo believes that, in the shade of every tree, there’s a story of hope. Join us in writing a greener future.

Economic Empowerment Programs

The Foundation Mentors, Capacity Build and Link Youths and Women to networks such as Women Enterprise Fund, Agribusiness Programs etc in order to Empower them economically through own job Creation.

In Partnership with UNDP, Mama Agnes Ochilo Foundation supported several registered groups within Migori. Cushioning youth groups from the impact of COVID-19 through empowerment: Building resilience for a brighter future.

Advocacy Against Gender-Based Violence and Sanitary Health Management

In Partnership with other organizations, the foundation addresses matters related to Gender-Based Violence against women, such as Sexual Violence, Assault, Female Genital Mutilation, Forced Early Marriage, Forced Women Inheritance, and Disinheriting Women from Family Properties among other forms of Violence.

The Foundation also offers Sanitary Health Management Programs like provision of free sanitary towels to school going girls.

In Kenya, Migori County is known to have a relatively high prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The practice has deep-rooted cultural and social ties in Kuria community. Traditionally, FGM is often considered a rite of passage into womanhood and is practiced as a cultural norm. Mama Agnes Ochilo initiated a programme dubbed “Kambi Ya Wasichana”undertaken in the month of August, 2023. The programme entailed undergoing Alternative Rites of Passage (ARP) where girls were trained as peer leaders so that they can engage other girls in their respective institutions, homes and households over eradication of Female Genital Mutilation. The above is a Round Bonfire dialogue at Kambi Ya Wasichana Program where more than 250 girls were imparted with mentorship skills required to navigate challenges they face in their quest to pursue education with confidence. A move toward attaining zero FGM cases in Migori County.

Our Programs' Beneficiaries

  • Orphans and Vulnerable Children
  • Economically Challenged Elderly Persons
  • People living with Disability, Widows
  • Youths and Women within the society

Let Us Make a Difference